P Wick

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The surname Wick has multiple possible origins, primarily from the Old English and Old Norse languages.

  1. Old English Origin: Wick could be derived from the Old English word “wic,” meaning a dwelling place or a settlement, especially one used for trade.
  2. Old Norse Origin: In some instances, it could also derive from the Old Norse “vík,” meaning a bay or a creek. This was common in areas settled by Norse invaders or where Norse influence was significant.

Geographic Distribution

The surname Wick is present in several English-speaking countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and Australia.

  • United Kingdom: The name is known in the UK, where it may have originated from various places named Wick in England, such as Wick in Gloucestershire or Wick in Somerset.
  • United States: The surname is also found in the USA, where many British and Scandinavian immigrants brought the name during different waves of migration.
  • Canada and Australia: Similar to the US, Wick is present in Canada and Australia, brought by immigrants from the UK and other parts of Europe.

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While exact numbers can be difficult to ascertain, the surname Wick is not exceedingly common but is well-established across these regions.

  • United States: According to the 2010 US Census, approximately 5,217 individuals with the surname Wick lived in the United States.
  • United Kingdom: The surname is less common but still present, with clusters in specific regions known for historical settlements named Wick.
  • Canada and Australia: It is less common in these regions but present within communities with British or Scandinavian heritage.

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Global Distribution Estimate

Globally, the surname Wick is likely held by thousands of families. Combining the figures from the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and other countries with notable British and Scandinavian immigration, it is reasonable to estimate that there could be around 10,000 to 15,000 individuals with the surname Wick worldwide.


  • Origin: Primarily Old English or Old Norse.
  • Geographic Distribution: Known in the UK, USA, Canada, and Australia.
  • Global Prevalence: Estimated around 10,000 to 15,000 individuals globally.

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